data Protection Law, Icecream and PR

It’s that time again! What do you mean, what time?! Time for the southside Podcast, obviously! I really enjoyed making this one, which I suppose might suggest as if normally I’m in a state of depression during the recording of a podcast which is totally untrue – it’s more like a deep, agonising catatonia. However, this week’s podcast I think is especially good. Here is the description:“This week: Data protection law, icecream and PR. Last week was national icecream week and to celebrate, Southside spoke to Mr icecream Matt O’Connor about some of the stranger types of icecream on the market and revealed some unusual, icecream related statistics. There’s also a special, exclusive to the Southside Podcast, icecream joke. How do icecream men move? Find out by listening to this week’s podcast. The icecream theme continues with Taylor Herring PR who are responsible for flying Italian opera singer Marcello Bedoni from Italy to a field in England to perform for a herd of cows all in the name of icecream. We find out why and hear about some of the crazy stunts that PR companies have devised to promote their projects, including sailing an iceberg down the Thames and landing a spaceship in Lester Square. There’s no mention of icecream in our discussion with solicitor Susan Singleton about data protection law, although given enough time and money I’m sure we’d be able to manufacture some kind of semi-plausible link. Take heed radio presenters one and all as podcast presenter David Eagle provides some ideas for revolutionary radio features as well as helping out a fellow colleague devise the perfect promo. So “pod on” (Ludwig van Beethoven style) to the 88th Southside Podcast.”

Anyway, I better post this before I fall asleep at my computer, plus I know you’ll all be so keen to
download the podcast that you’re probably unable to properly concentrate on reading any more bloggage and so I’ll leave you for the time being and return when I’m feeling more creative and less tired.


P.S. I think this must be the shortest blog post I’ve done so far. Wow! What an achievement!

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